Nonggirrnga Marawili
late 1930s - Yathikpa 2013- ochre on bark
The style of this work represents a shift from the Djapu works of Marawili's first show at Alcaston and into her Madarrpa clan works from her second show in 2013.
The strings of diamonds marks the classic miny'tji of the saltwater estate of Yathikpa. Her Baru the ancestral crocodile, carrying and being burnt by the Ancestral fire crossed the beach from Garrangali (crocodile's nest) and entered the saltwater. Bar decided after being soothed of his burns that he would stay in these waters. His sacred powers in line with that of the fire imbues the water there today.
Source: Buku Larrngay Mulka Art Centre, Yirrkala